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The Finance Shop has agencies with all the major Life Assurance companies in the market which enables us to source the most competitively priced products for our clients. We work with a wide range of Irish insurance companies so we can get the most competitively priced solution for our clients.

You never know what is around the corner and it important that you plan financially in case a time comes when you can no longer earn an income. With our protection and insurance products, you can rest assured knowing that your family will be provided for in the long term.

Book Your Life Assurance and Protection Consultation with The Finance Shop

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The Finance Shop



 Have you adequately protected your dependents in the event of your unexpected or premature death? How will they be financially set up if they lose your income and are dependent solely on the state benefits?

Many people do not realise the financial impact that an unexpected serious illness, injury or premature death can have on a family. Life insurance can help ease the financial burden on your dependents in the event of a death and contribute towards the household, bills, funeral expenses and even children’s education.

There are many different types of cover available including term assurance, whole of life or income on death. The Finance Shop will help you put the right type and level of cover in place for you and your family.

Life Insurance


 How will you pay your mortgage if you are unable to work for a long period of time due to suffering from a serious illness such as a heart attack, stroke or cancer? If you are the sole income earner, will you be able to cope financially and run your household as usual?

Serious illness cover, or critical illness cover, insures you in the event that you contract an illness that will drastically change your life. A lump sum will be paid to you two weeks after you receive a diagnosis. Some policies pay out a smaller sum in the event that you are diagnosed with a less serious illness.

Serious illness cover can help contribute to your medical bills, buffer against lost income, go towards home adaptations and even pay off your mortgage.


 Would you like to try and reduce the monthly premium on your existing policy? Did you take out a policy with your lender when you got your original mortgage and do you want to compare this with the cover we can arrange for you now? Would you like to see how much you could save each month by switching life assurance companies?

Mortgage protection cover is designed solely to ensure that your mortgage is paid off in the event of your death. It usually runs for the same term as the mortgage itself, and the amount of cover in place decreases as the amount owed on your mortgage also reduces. Remember that while you may already have mortgage protection in place you are under no obligation to stay with that provider. You can switch mortgage protection products in order to get a better deal.

The Finance Shop will assess your current financial situation and review your mortgage insurance policy. We will then compare your current policy with the various products we believe may suit you better.

Serious Illness Cover
Mortgage Protection
Income Protection
The Finance Shop


 If you were unable to work due to unforeseen illness or injury, would you be able to meet all your monthly commitments? Do you think it is vital to protect your income, which you use to pay for your lifestyle each month?

Income protection provides you with a replacement income, in the event you are unable to work due to an accident, sickness or disability. After a deferral period benefits will be paid to you until wither you can return to work or until the end of the policy term.

Income protection is beneficial if your work or social welfare entitlements may not last as long as you need them to. If you are self-employed and have no other form of unearned income then it is essential that you have income protection in place, as you may have no entitlement to social welfare benefit.


 Is your business adequately protected in the case of the death of a key individual? What will happen if one of your employees becomes seriously ill? Is there protection in place to account for the loss of earning due to a death or illness?

In any business arrangement, the death or diagnosis of a serious illness of one of the key individuals involved can have serious financial consequences for those left in the business. Owning a business or partnership comes with a lot of stress and strain. Having the right type of protection in place can help ease some of the ongoing worries.

There are a number of business protection products available including partnership protection, co-directors insurance, keyman insurance and pension term assurance.

The Finance Shop
Business Protection
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